Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL)

St Cecilia’s follow the Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) Framework. PBL is a whole-school, evidence-based approach to behaviour management that promotes a safe and supportive learning environment. This framework focuses on building positive relationships and strives to improve emotional, social, behavioural and academic outcomes for all students. The following School Rules and Behaviour Expectations are explicitly taught to all students, with each term focusing on one of our Core Values. 

School Rules:

  • Listen. Learn. Participate.
  • Care for People, Place and Property.

Behaviour Expectations: these explain the way we carry out the School Rules.

Be an active learner Safe and caring actions  Cooperate and contribute
Speak and listen with kindness Respect yourself and others Be inclusive
Make responsible choices Care for property Right place, Right time 
Help people in our school, wider community and our world Respect God’s Creation and the environment


Reward Systems:

Merit Awards and Value Awards are handed out at the weekly assemblies. The Merit Award recipients are rewarded for their academic improvement, achievement or progress. The Value Award recipients are rewarded for their implementation of the behaviour expectation in focus for the week. 

At the end of each term a Core Value Award is awarded to a student in each class who has consistently demonstrated the Core Value for the term:

Term 1 – Respect –Col 3:15 – Each one of you is part of the body of Christ and you were chosen to live together in peace.

Term 2 – Justice – Psalm 106:3 – Blessed are they who maintain justice and constantly do what is right.

Term 3 – Service – Luke 12:35 – Be ready for service and keep your lamps burning.

Term 4 – Hope – Matt 19:26 – With God all things are possible.

Teachers on playground duty distribute a small collection of “Gotchya” coins when they witness students playing safely, respectfully and inclusively. These coins are collected in each class to work towards a communal reward for the class. 

Inappropriate Behaviours:

When students demonstrate behaviours that do not promote the safety, wellbeing or learning of others, the teachers follow the “4 R’s of PBL”:

Remind, Reteach, Redirect, Remove.

Corporal punishment is prohibited at St Cecilia’s. If needed, individual behaviour plans are developed with the classroom teacher, Principal, learning support teacher and the parents of the child.